Property Taxes and Your Monthly Payment

Property taxes are on the rise and this will effect your monthly mortgage payment. In a 30 year fixed mortgage you’re your mortgage payment is fixed and will not change but if you escrow your taxes and insurance your overall monthly payment can go up. The increase is due to an increase in either taxes and insurance, or both.

Property taxes are local taxes. Local officials value your property, set your tax rates, and collect your taxes. However, Texas law governs how the process works.

In Harris County, property taxes are based on tax rates set by the various local governments (taxing units) that levy a tax and on the value of the property. The valuation or appraisal process, which is performed by the Harris County Appraisal District, serves to allocate the tax burden among property owners.

Property taxes help pay for public schools, city streets, county roads, police, fire protection, and many other services.
There are three main parts to the property tax system in Texas:
·      An appraisal district in each county sets the value of taxable property each year.
·      An appraisal review board (ARB) settles any disagreements between you and the appraisal district about the value of your property.
·      Local taxing units, including the county, cities, school districts, and special districts, decide how much money they will spend each year. This in turn determines the tax rate they need to set and the total amount of taxes that you and your neighbors will pay.

The system has four stages: valuing the taxable property, protesting the values, adopting the tax rates, and collecting the taxes.

January 1 marks the beginning of property appraisal. What a property is used for on January 1, market conditions at that time, and who owns the property on that date determine whether the property is taxed, its value, qualifications for exemptions, and who is responsible for paying the tax.

Between January 1 and April 30, the appraisal district processes applications for tax exemptions, agricultural and timber appraisals, and other tax relief. Around May 15, the appraisal review board begins hearing protests from property owners who believe their property values are incorrect, or who feel they were improperly denied an exemption or agricultural/timber appraisal. The ARB is an independent panel of citizens responsible for handling protests about the appraisal district's work. When the ARB finishes its work, the chief appraiser gives each taxing unit a list of taxable property known as the appraisal roll.

Usually in September or October, the elected officials of each taxing unit adopt tax rates for their operations and debt payments. Typically, several taxing units tax each property. For example, both the county and a school district tax every property in Harris County. Taxes may also be payable to a city or special district, including such entities as municipal utility districts, rural fire protection districts, junior college districts, and others.

Tax collection starts in October and November as tax bills go out. Taxpayers have until January 31 of the following year to pay their taxes. On February 1, penalty and interest charges begin accumulating on most unpaid tax bills. Taxing units may start legal action to collect unpaid property taxes once they become delinquent.

·       You have the right to equal and uniform tax appraisals. Your property value should be the same as that placed on other properties that are similar or comparable to yours.
·       Unless your property qualifies for special appraisal, such as for agricultural land, you have the right to have it taxed on its January 1 market value.
·       You have the right to receive all tax exemptions or other tax relief for which you apply and qualify.
·       You have the right to notices of changes in your property value or in your exemptions.
·       You have the right to know about a taxing unit's proposed tax rate increase and to have time to comment on it.

Understand Your Remedies:
·       If you believe your property has been appraised for more than its January 1 market value, or if you were denied an exemption or agricultural appraisal, you may protest to the appraisal review board. If you don't agree with the review board, you may take your case to court.
·       You may speak out at public hearings when your elected officials are deciding how to spend your taxes and setting the tax rate.
·       You and your fellow taxpayers may limit major tax increases in an election to roll back or limit the tax rate.

Fulfill Your Responsibilities:
·       You must apply for exemptions, agricultural appraisal, and other forms of tax relief before the deadlines. 
·       You must see that your property is listed correctly in the appraisal records. If your property is omitted from the records and escapes taxation, it becomes subject to a back assessment. In the event a back assessment occurs, it may cover up to five prior years in the case of real property (land and improvements), and up to two prior years for business personal property.
·       If you own tangible personal property used for the production of income (business personal property), you must annually render it to the chief appraiser. Personal property, which escapes taxation because of failure to render, becomes subject to back assessment when discovered by the appraisal district.
·       You must pay your taxes on time.

There is no right or wrong way to dispute your value. There is no set winning formula. It’s simply best to do your homework and present your best case. You can dispute your value yourself or hire an agent.


Make friends with the HCAD 

The HCAD website will explain what to expect and what information they consider.

After you file your tax protest and receive an informal hearing date, the website will show you what properties their computerized models are using to compare to yours.
It will give a list of comparable properties with basic information about them. You can search those properties for more information.

You may want to actually see those properties in person and photograph the outside to distinguish them from your property. Make a list of the differences. You will need this information for your informal hearing.
The day on your hearing, you show up at the HCAD building and wait for your name to be called. An appraiser will consult with you.
Be prepared. Bring all the documentation that supports your view of the market value of your home. Lots of quality pictures of defects with your home that adversely affect market value are crucial.
Don’t assume that the information they have on your home is correct. Review it in details. I have seen issues with square footage and improvements.
The ARB or appraisal review board panel is comprised of three citizens not employed by HCAD to hear your case.  There is also an HCAD employee who represents HCAD that argues against your point view.
Bring copies of your documents. Make sure to have enough for all board members. Be profession and use visual pictures when possible.  Being prepared is a sign of respect for the board’s time.
Comparables are key. Focus your time on proving that the comparables used are not accurate. If you give specifics of why those comparables are inaccurate and perhaps show better ones, it is hard for an HCAD employee who just picked up the file to refute you. If you need help with this please feel free to contact me (
They consider the information, and you get a final determination from them at the end of the hearing.
The appraisers at a review board have a lot of control over your assessed value. You want to be politely and logically. State your position in a friendly way. There is no point in complaining about the amount you pay in taxes. They don’t care. They are there exclusively to establish value. They have no control over tax rates.  
Be the nice, logical, professional person they feel good about helping.
Talking to your neighbors can sometimes give you a sense of what works and doesn’t work in doing their property tax protest.
You may appoint a representative, commonly called an "agent" to handle specific duties. You don't need an agent to file for exemptions, such as disabled veterans, homestead and/or religious organizations; just get an application form from the appraisal district.

To appoint an agent, you must give that person written authorization to represent you. You can google Property tax consulting services for a list of companies. Most will not charge you for their services unless they are able to lower your taxes. They will also provide you with the needed paperwork.


January 1
Date that determines taxable and homestead exemption status.

April 15
Last day for property owners to file renditions or request an extension.

April 30
  • Deadline to make application for many types of total exemptions. Homestead and disabled veteran exemptions may be applied for up to one year after the taxes for the year of application become delinquent (usually February 1). Over-65 or disability homestead applications may be filed as soon as the applicant becomes 65 or meets the Social Security requirements for total disability, whichever is applicable.
  • Deadline for filing written protests to the Appraisal Review Board for residence homesteads; however, protests may be filed without penalty within 30 days of the date a notice of appraised value is mailed to the property owner or until the earlier of May 31 or the date the appraisal review board approves appraisal records.
May 31
  • Last day to apply for agricultural, timber, or wildlife productivity appraisal without penalty.
  • Deadline for filing written protests to the Appraisal Review Board (or by the 30th day after a notice of appraised value is mailed to the property owner, whichever is later). Late protests filed after the deadline require a determination by the review board that good cause, such as serious illness, exists for the late filing.
Oct 1-31
Tax bills are usually mailed during this month.

Jan 31 or following year
Last day to pay property taxes without penalty and interest.



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