It’s important to feel like you have enough space in the room where you shower, shave, and… answer nature’s various callings. Space efficiency is become increasingly important in many areas of real estate, so here’s a number of storage-management hacks below that will help you add more space to your bathrooms!
1. First up, here’s a way to keep your hair dryer out of sight while remaining easily accessible by using a cleverly placed magazine rack.
SaveMamabee12Lela Hughesbathrooms
2. Here’s a time-efficient way to remove wrinkles from your clothing. Make sure you hang up your outfit in the bathroom while taking a steamy shower.
SaveLifehackthreeemonkeys .Life hacks
3. Coat hangers can actually make a stylish towel rack.
Savefrom lollycat1.blogspot.com1Cassandra SearcyFor the Home
4. Why would anyone place a second shower rod on the inside of their shower? You’ll be surprised how handy it is.
Savefrom sliptalk.comBrandi HaltomCollege bound ideas
5. A simple shelf over the bathroom door can make for a wonderous amount of storage space.
Savefrom adme.ruКлеопатра Ватрушкакухня
6. Use a plate rack to manage more space around your sink area.
SaveMamabeeLela Hughesbathrooms
7. Want to use your iphone to play music while you take a shower? Placing it in an empty (and DRY) sink will amplify the volume.
SaveMany Bidets2Daily Grind HealthCreative Bathrooms & DIY
8. You don’t say…
SaveLifehackCara Smi casa, su casa
9. If you want to read your favorite kindle book while enjoying a bubble bath, just place it in a ziploc bag in case it slips out of your soapy fingers.
10. Here’s how you can bring the heavy guns to attack stubborn soap scum.
With the proper power drill, a fitted scrub brush and cleaner, even the most encrusted bathtubs must submit to the power of cleanliness.
SaveMashable2Jann C BarryHow to Tips
11. You can use a decorated magnetic board to organize your cosmetics and other magnetic essentials in a convenient way.
Saveallie graceImpresstamporganise, organiseren, storage, opbergen
12. Placing drawers in cabinets allows easy accessibility to your storage areas under the sink.
SaveBuzzFeedNicole FrenchBathroom
13. Hanging multiple towel racks on the back of the bathroom door maximizes space for larger families.
Savefrom emmamcgrene.net1Cody SandersIf you fart and follow through, have respect and flush the loo!
14. Here’s another option for stackable storage containers.
SaveBuzzFeedMegan NerdinCollege :)
15. Here’s a DIY for creating your own rustic bathroom shelving.
16. This Sauder Peppercorn Etagere (now that’s a mouthful) cabinet is perfect for making use of that extra space above the toilet. You can buy them on Amazon.
Savehayneedle.comRick BrockBathroom
Savefrom hernandohouse.com282De TweakfabriekHergebruik | Recycling | Upcycling
18. Have access to some old wooden crates? Here’s a splendid DIY for turning them into instant rustic-style shelving.
Savefrom Uploaded by user2Camilla MoenPaller
19. These beautiful cabinet door storage bins can easily be yours by following this helpful DIY.
SaveDIY & Crafts
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